• Fix an issue causing music and singing to become out of sync during recordings on iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 for certain configurations.
• Resolve a compatibility issue for MusicXML sheet music exported from MuseScore 4. Please note that, to maintain compatibility, the "All layout" option is still needed when exporting MusicXML files from MuseScore 4 or other sheet music editing tools.
• Add a setting to customize the key note of movable-do or other similar solfèges. This setting applies to the cases when no sheet music is imported to the app, and thus, no key signature is available for reference. To access this functionality, simply press and hold the labels of the musical notes positioned on either side of the pitch graph:
• Update modules for ads services. The minimum system requirement is increased to iOS 12.
• Add keyboard shortcuts for the Play (spacebar), Record (R), and Rewind (Z) functions on Apple Silicon Macs and iPad / iPhone connected to a physical keyboard.
• Add Import function for importing Singscope recording and MusicXML files.
• Update the underlying audio module to make it better compatible with the latest iOS and iPadOS versions.
• Fix user interface size problem when the app is running on Apple Silicon Macs.
• Fix display configuration issues for waveforms and sheet music when the app is running under iPadOS 16 Stage Manager and resized to certain window sizes.
• Update underlying modules for ads services to the latest version. The minimum system requirement is increased to iOS 11.
• Correct MusicXML playback problems for sheet music in 6/4 time signature.
• Correct MusicXML playback problems for sheet music in 3/2 time signature, and for sheet music that contains repeat signs with three or more endings.
• For the user interface, divide the Control Panel into Graph Settings panel and Mixer panel by function. The Graph Settings panel is shown below:
The Mixer panel is shown in the next bullet.
• Add reverb effect to the vocal playback device. You can adjust the wet/dry mix using the reverb slider in the Mixer panel. You can also switch the reverb type by tapping the reverb button, as shown below:
Please note that the reverb effect will only be used during playback of your singing voice and will not alter your original singing voice data. If you don't need this effect, simply turn the reverb slider all the way down. To completely remove the reverb slider from the Mixer panel, go to the app's Settings page, open the Reverberation item, and choose the "Off" item.
• For the pitch graph, add zoom-in and zoom-out button in the graph settings control panel.
• Rename the app's feature pack to “Sheet Music Support Pack”, and rename its bundled sheet music for singing warm-ups and exercises to “Scales and Arpeggios”.
• Fixed a problem when using a MusicXML sheet music that does not include lyrics. Previously, only the notes with lyrics text will have their corresponding pitch position highlighted with blue lines on the graph. After this fix, for a sheet music that does not include any lyrics, all the notes will be highlighted with blue lines on the graph.
• Update the swipe menu feature for items in the recording and MusicXML item lists, supported by iOS 11 and later. Now in Recents tab, while viewing the item list, if you slowly drag an item to the right, you'll see Save and Share actions. If you do the same for an item in Saved tab or My Song Book folder, you'll see a Share action.
If you slowly drag an item to the left, you'll see Rename and Delete actions.
In Deleted tab, if you slowly drag an item to the right, you'll see a Recover action.
• Fix a compatibility issue related to the App Tracking Transparency under iOS 15.
• Correct playback timing issues for MusicXML sheet music that contains multiple tempo marks.
• When the size of all unsaved recordings exceeds the “Storage Limit” value (set in the “Settings”), the earlier unsaved recordings will not be deleted immediately. Instead, they will be be moved to the “Deleted” tab and will still be recoverable within 30 days.
• Keep the last MusicXML's settings for tempo, key, and song section arrangement. When you open a MusicXML file and then use the Change Tempo, Change Key, or Arrange Song Sections function in the app to make modifications, the new settings will be retained.
• Correct playback rendering issues for certain special chords in MusicXML lead sheets.
• Correct lyrics font size and some other issues when displaying certain MusicXML files.
• Add support for App Tracking Transparency for the devices with iOS 14 and later. Now we will ask your permission before collecting data used to track your devices. Please note that this data will only be used to improve your personalized advertising experience within the app. If you purchase any of our in-app products, we will not serve ads and no longer collect any data from you for advertising purposes.
• Improve the pitch graph scrolling experience while recording and playback. This improvement is effective for the devices with iOS 11 and later.
• Correct a few issues in the Feature Pack's Import MusicXML Files function and improve the compatibility with more variety of MusicXML's.
• Add a new set of sheet music, including Blues Scales, Pentatonic Scales, and more, to the Vocal Warm Up Exercises feature pack.
• Add quick access for switching the music-note-name labels shown on the left- and right-hand side of pitch graph. The labels on either side can be set separately.
Simply tap and hold the music-note-name-label area on either side to invoke the popup menu.
*Please note that among the six supported music-note-names shown above, the last four are Movable-Do type, where the key note is determined from the key signature in the sheet music. the key can be changed via the Change Key (music transposition) function provided by the feature pack. If the feature pack is not active or if there is no sheet music in use, the key is fixed at C major or A minor.
• Add quick access to the Graphic Window Auto Panning option, for locking the pitch graph window and prevent it from panning automatically in vertical direction during singing voice recording or playback.
• Add a Clear All button to Select Passages and Arrange Song Sections funcitons in the Vocal Warm Up Exercises feature pack, for quickly clearing the customized play order and reverting to the original order specified by the sheet music. For more details about Select Passages and Arrange Song Sections, please refer to the description in Version 2.4:
• Update audio playback method for the iOS 14 AirPods automatic switching. With this update, when you start the playback function in the app, your connected AirPods will automatically switch to this device. Please note that for now, only the "Play" function will trigger AirPods automatic switching. The "Record" function will not.
• The playback and recording will no longer be interrupted when you open the Control Center.
• Fix one more issue that could cause playing of sheet music to be out of sync.
• Add one more sheet music to the Vocal Warm Up Exercises feature pack.
• Fix an issue that could cause playing of sheet music to be out of sync or stop prematurely.
• Update some of the underlying implementations and libraries for performance improvement. The minimum system requirement is increased to
• Add "Clear All" button in the Recents tab, for clearing all recent recordings. The cleared recordings will be temporarily stored in the Deleted tab and can be recovered before they are permanently removed.
• Include additional sheet music in the Vocal Warm Up Exercises feature pack, for minor keys exercises and more.
• Add support for Bluetooth headsets, for iOS 10 and later. Please note that the Bluetooth headset will be used for audio playback only. Due to the limitation of audio sample rate of Bluetooth microphones, the app will still use iPhone/iPad built-in microphone to pick up your voice even if the Bluetooth headset is connected.
• Display the information of microphone and playback devices used in Singscope. For the original Singscope without sheet music, the inforamtion is shown in the sliders panel. For example, when a corded headset is connected:
Please note that the input gain slider is available only when the device supports the gain adjustment. It may not be available for devices that utilize automatic gain control. For example, when a Bluetooth headset is connected:
If the feature pack is activated and a sheet music item is opened in Singscope, the input and outupt inforamtion is shown in the mixer panel:
When a Bluetooth headset is connected:
The Bluetooth audio delay could cause vocal and instruments channels to be out of sync. In the app, we include extra code to compensate this latency and make them in sync again. The default latency time is derived based on the information from the operating system. However, depending on the manufactures and models, the information may not be accurate for all of Bluetooth headsets. To view and adjust the compensating latency time used in the app, tap the ⓘ button on the right hand side of the Bluetooth device name in the mixer panel.
Please note that each different Bluetooth headset brand and model has different latency time. If you use a Bluetooth headset and notice a signifcant sync issue, you can improve the condition by adjusting* this "Latency" setting.
*It could be tricky to find out a good latency time setting. If you know the exact location of the active microphone on your iPhone or iPad, you can do the calibration by following steps: (1) connect the Bluethooth headset and open a sheet music; (2) put one Bluetooth headphone to be as close to the microphone hole as possible; (3) start the recording and make sure the instrument sound played on the headphone can be picked up by the microphone; (4) record for a few seconds and then stop, rewind to the beginning of the recording; (5) check the start time of the first recorded sound, by dragging the window on the waveform to the location where audio singal starts. The exact time is shown on the status bar below the graph. The ideal start time should be between 0.07 to 0.09 second, which is tipical latency time when using built-in or corded microphone and speaker/headphones. Adjust the "Latency" in the "Bluetooth Device" setting such that, after compensating, the first recorded sound start time is around 0.08 second.
• Fix a problem when using a MusicXML sheet music and the total music time is longer than the Recording Length Limit setting. Note that, when using a MuiscXML, the recording length is not limited by the setting.
• Support iOS 13 Dark Mode.
• Fix a problem that could occur after the sound Output is switched to iPhone's Receiver.
• Fix display position errors for music note labels in Do-Based Minor Movable-Do Solfège mode.
• Add Do-Based Minor Movable-Do Solfège for music note labels displayed on the right hand side of pitch graph:
The Do-Based Minor labels include all syllables of nature minor scale (Do Re Me Fa Sol Le Te Do), harmonic minor scale (Do Re Me Fa Sol Le Ti Do), and melodic minor scale (Do Re Me Fa Sol La Ti Do Te Le Sol Fa Me Re Do).
The "music note name type" can be selected in the app's Settings page.
*To access this setting in the app, tap the "Menu" button on the upper right corner, tap "Settings" to show the settings page, and then tap the item "Show Music Note Names".
• In the Feature Pack's Import MusicXML Lead Sheets function, improve compatibility for more types of MusicXML files.
• Improve the way of automatic panning for pitch graph window during singing voice recording or playback. The new method prevents pitch graph window from jumping around caused by noise or errors in pitch detection.
• In Settings, add an option to lock the pitch graph window and prevent it from panning automatically in vertical direction during singing voice recording or playback.
• For Feature Pack's Import MusicXML Lead Sheets function, we add a function Arrange Song Sections. The function is available for your MusicXML Lead Sheet that includes Rehearsal Marks for song sections. Typical rehearsal marks include Intro, Verse, Chorus, and Bridge, etc. You can arrange singing sequence and repeats using these section marks. If you don't have a MusicXML Lead Sheet, you can try our sample MusicXML, available for download from the page in the following link:
To access this function, open any of your MusicXML Lead Sheets that include Rehearsal Marks (or try our sample MusicXML), tap the Music Tools button on the lower right corner, and choose Arrange Song Sections menu item:
And then follow the instructions in the user interface:
• We add a function Select Passages for the Vocal Warm Up and Exercises sheet music that come with the Feature Pack. You can choose the passages that are appropriate for your singing range. You can arrange passages in any orders and repeats. To access the function, open any of the Vocal Warm Up and Exercises sheet music, tap the Music Tools button on the lower right corner, and choose Select Passages menu item:
And then follow the instructions in the user interface:
• In the Feature Pack's Import MusicXML Lead Sheets function, we improve the compatibility for certain MusicXML files that contain "Repeat Sign".
• Improve the importing function for the recording files (*.singscope) shared from the app.
• Add support for sharing your singing voice recording. If you use a MusicXML lead sheet with your singing, the MusicXML file will also be included in the shared file. The shared recording file with MusicXML can be loaded and played by the free Singscope App, no feature pack needed.
To share your previously recorded singing voice, first switch to Recents or Saved tab, find the item you'd like to share, and then slide the item leftward to reveal the operation buttons:
Tap the Share button:
And then choose the AirDrop, or choose an App to share the recording file:
Any communication app that supports file attachment (like iMessage, Email, etc.), or any cloud drive app (like Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.), would work. You can also save the file to iCloud Drive or another cloud drive service by choosing the "Save to Files" function.
To import the shared recording file, the method would depend on which app you used. It is similar to the way we import a MusicXML file, as described in the following link:
• In your singing recordings, add a "subtitle" in addition to the existing "name" or "title". The "subtitle" is useful for adding information about the song and singing before you share the singing recording. It can be entered in the Rename function:
When you share the recording, both name and subtitle are included in the shared recording file. If you leave the subtitle blank, the usual "recording date and time" and "file size" is displayed in the same way as before.
• Fix a bug in the previous version (2.2.4) that may cause the popup menu becomes inaccessible under certain conditions.
• Improve the way the pitch graph starts scrolling during playback. Previously the graph would start scrolling when the play-line gets to the edge of screen. This update make it start scrolling when the play-line gets to the middle of screen. This is helpful to be able to see what's coming up during playback. Also, during playback scrolling, you can still move the play-line position by dragging the pitch graph on screen.
• Add “Privacy Statement”.
*To access “Privacy Statement” in the app, first go back to the previous page, tap the "Menu" button on the upper right corner, and then tap the "About" item. You can find the "Privacy Statement" in the "About" page.
• In the Feature Pack's "Import Your Lead Sheet", fix a bug in the music transposition function.
• Extend the music note names labels displayed on the right hand side of pitch graph to show additional types of muisc note names:
Among the five supported music note names shown above, the last three are Movable-Do type, where the key note is determined from the first key signature in the imported MusicXML lead sheet. For example, for a lead sheet in Eb key, when selecting Movable-Do Solfège, the music note name labels on the right hand side of pitch graph is shown as below:
Please note that the key can be changed via the Change Key (music transposition) function provided by the feature pack. If the feature pack is not used or if there is no imported MusicXML lead sheet in use, the key is fixed at C.
This "music note name type" can be selected in the app's Settings page.
*To access this setting in the app, first go to the Singscope's page (that is the page where pitch graph is displayed), tap the "Menu" button on the upper right corner, and then tap the "Settings" item. The setting of "Show Music Note Names" is available in the "Settings" page.
• Fix several issues in the user interface for iOS 11.
• In the Feature Pack's “Import Your Lead Sheet” function, add support for two file types: “Compressed MusicXML (*.mxl)” and “Uncompressed MusicXML (*.musicxml)”.
• Fix several user interface issues for iPhone X.
• Add music note names labels on the right hand side of pitch graph. These extra labels are helpful for seeing your actual singing notes in real-time.
These exrra labels are displayed by default. You can show or hide the extra labels by a new setting in the app's Settings page.
*To access this setting in the app, first go to the Singscope's page (that is the page where pitch graph is displayed), tap the "Menu" button on the upper right corner, and then tap the "Settings" item. The setting of "Show Music Note Names" is available in the "Settings" page.
Starting from this version, the minimum system requirement is increased to iOS 8. The older devices that still run on iOS 6 and 7, including iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4, are no longer supported.
• Support iPhone X full screen display. Fix several issues in the user interface for iOS 11.
• Add an “Input Gain” slider control for adjusting iPhone or iPad's microphone sensibility. Normally iPhone or iPad will set the input gain automatically. The new slider provides a way to manually adjust the gain set by the device, and therefore, change the microphone's sensibility. Please note that the input gain could be not settable under some conditions, and for this case, the slider is grayed-out and disabled.
For the original Singscope without sheet music, the “Input Gain” slider is available in the sliders panel as shown below:
If the feature pack is activated and a sheet music item is opened in Singscope, the “Input Gain” slider is available in the mixer panel:
In this update, we fix some MusicXML compatibility issues in the Feature Pack's “Import Your Lead Sheet” function.
• Fix the problem when importing two or more MusicXML files to Singscope at the same time. If you use a Mac that supports AirDrop, you can drag and drop multiple files to your iPhone or iPad. Singscope will now receive multiple files correctly.
• Fix the issue for lead sheets that contain multiple lyrics lines under the melody staff. Previously, the app only highlights and plays the first lyrics line. With this update, the app now treats each lyrics line as a verse, and will go through all verses during recording and playback. If each lyrics line starts with a verse number, the number will be correctly aligned. Our sample lead sheet “Home, Sweet Home” is an example that contains two verses.
• Fix the issue for lyric words that contain melisma underlines. A melisma is a syllable or word that extends over two or more notes, and is indicated by an underline extending from the base of a syllable to the last note of the melisma. In this update, the melisma underlines are now layout correctly in the lyrics line.
• Correct some of the chord symbols' notation and playback issue in the Feature Pack's “Import MusicXML Lead Sheet Files” function. List below are the chord symbols we used to test our software implementation. For simplicity, we list C chords only here.
• Fix an issue that causes the voice recordings could not be correctly saved under the new file system in iOS 10.3
• Optimize the screen layout for 10.5-inch iPad Pro
• Add “Import MusicXML Lead Sheet Files” function to “Vocal Warm Up Exercises Feature Pack”
• Bugs fixes and minor performance improvement
• Update user interface for managing the recorded voice files
• Update the app’s help screen and add “User Guide” pages
• Update In-App Store and add a new In-App Purchase item “Vocal Warm Up Exercise Feature Pack”
Any comments, suggestions, inquiries, and bug reports, please email us at developer@singscope.com.